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The Preprocessor#


Monkey2 includes a simple preprocessor that allows you to conditionally compile code depending on a number of build setttings.

The preprocessor supports the following statements: #Import, #If, #Else, #ElseIf, #EndIf, #Rem, #End. Preprocessor statements must begin on a new line.


For #Import see the topic Imports.

#Rem .. #End#

For block comments using #Rem and #End see the topic Comments.

#If .. #Else .. #ElseIf .. #EndIf#

Preprocessor expressions may only use the 'And', 'Or' and comparison operators.

The following symbols may be used in preprocessor expressions:

Symbol Type Meaning
__TARGET__ String The current build target. One of:
"windows", "macos", "linux", "raspberry",
"android", "ios", "emscripten"
__CONFIG__ String The current build config. One of: "release", "debug"
__DESKTOP_TARGET__ Bool True if the current build target is windows, macos or linux.
__MOBILE_TARGET__ Bool True if the current build target is android or ios.
__WEB_TARGET__ Bool True if the current build target is emscripten.
__DEBUG__ Bool True if the current build config is debug.
__RELEASE__ Bool True if the current build config is release.

For example, to include code in debug builds only, use something like:

#If __DEBUG__
    Print "This code is only included in debug builds."

To include code on desktop or mobile builds, use:

    Print "This code is only include in desktop and mobile builds."